Here is your paragraph on the drought prone area programmes!

Drought Prone Area Programmes programme was initiated in 1974.

The intent was to change DPAP from a relief and employment oriented programme into one aimed at ‘drought proofing’ through adoption of an integrated area development approach which sought to mitigate the impact of future droughts by stabilizing both production and employment.

The programme was conceived as a long term measure for restoration of ecological balance by conserving, developing and harvesting land, water, livestock and human resources. The objectives of the programme are:


(i) To minimise the adverse effects of drought on production of crops and livestock and productivity of land, water and human resources through integrated development of the natural resource base of the area and adoption of appropriate technologies.

(ii) To conserve, develop and harness land, water and other natural resources including rainfall for restoration of ecological balance in the long run.


DPAP is under implementation in 629 blocks of 96 districts in 13 states. The total area covered under this programme is about 5.54 lakh sq km.

Establishment of Crop-weather Watch Group:

This watch group was set up during 1979 drought by the Ministry of Agriculture. It consists of representatives from the Department of Agriculture, India Meteorology Department, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, and others.

A two pronged strategy was adopted which focused on curative and preventive measures. They were to provide weekly reports of rainfall, agricultural operations, employment and other activities for occurrences affected by drought.

The twelve-point programme was created to avert Trikal (Akal, Jalkal, Tinka), which means to take care of food, water, and fodder. Although drought affected 240 districts and 220 million people, the severity was not widely felt and no starvation deaths were reported because of the buffer stocks of food grains available with the government.

Integrated Watershed Management:

Integrated watershed management as a preventing measure plays a key role in moderating drought conditions. This approach ensures planning on the basis of the total available water resources, conjunctive use of surface and groundwater, allocating priority for rational use of water and also the preparation of a coordinated plan.

Thus, watershed management holds the promise of conservation of land and water resources and their optimal utilization in reality. Under the National Watershed Programme for Rainfed Areas, a large number of watersheds have been established in different rainfed regions of the country.
